Our integrated manual therapy sessions are designed so you can get the most out of your hands-on therapy time while in-session and, more importantly, long after your session. Integrated manual therapy is flexible in its approach, brain-based in nature, and can be applied for anything from injury rehab to improving athletic performance. These sessions include assessments, varying manual therapy techniques based on assessment, and neuromuscular re-education through movement practice.
We've found the best way to approach hands-on therapies for most pain, stiffness, mobility issues, and muscular imbalance is through dynamic application of bodywork techniques. This involves active participation in your session while applying various manual therapy modalities. Movement during hands-on therapies encourages working on muscles and connective tissues in multiple planes in varying states of contraction, stretch, and relaxation. Movement allows us to easily work three dimensionally to better address not only the involved area, but other possible contributing areas as well.
Assessments may include: evaluation of involved movements, strength testing, sensory testing, autonomic evaluation (BP, perfusion index), balance testing, and vision testing
Hands-on techniques may include: Massage Modalities (light touch to firm pressure stimulus), Myofascial Techniques (skin stretch stimulus & scar manipulation), Cranial Work* (skull suture and hair follicle stimulus), Cupping (decompression stimulus), Joint Mobilizations** (assisted joint movement, stretch & torque), Assisted Stretch & Muscle Activation (muscle stretch & contraction stimulus), Percussion/Vibration (high/low frequency vibration stimulus), and Heat Application &/or Cryotherapy (temperature stimulus).
Movement re-education techniques may include: muscle stretch & strength drills, motor control drills, and compound drills (increased challenge with varying speeds and multitasking activity).
*"Cranial Work" is designated as work on the head, face, and sutures of the skull. This is not the same as the modality "Craniosacral Therapy".
**"Joint Mobilizations" in our sessions do not entail skeletal adjustments of any kind unless your therapist/coach has the proper education and training to perform said adjustments.
While dynamic bodywork is our go-to for addressing specific issues or performance based goals, we can't forget the importance of relaxation for the body and mind. For this reason, we do also offer traditional passive treatments. These sessions focus on a more meditative, nurturing, therapeutic, and self-care directed experience. This type of work is suitable for most individuals.
Massage modalities may include: Swedish, Clinical Deep Tissue Techniques, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Techniques, Aromatherapy etc.
The right attire can make a difference in your session. Our standard recommendation for either manual therapy or massage therapy is loose fitting clothing that is easy to move around in.
For manual therapy sessions: loose fitting shorts and a tank top or T-shirt are recommended. This is so you can move around freely during your session while still having skin exposed for hands-on work. Sports wear is appropriate if fabrics are loose (sports bras are okay).
For massage therapy sessions: a drape (sheet and blanket) will be used to cover all areas of the body not being worked on. Since this is a passive type of session requiring very little movement and use of a drape, clothing can be as minimal as is comfortable. Typical massage sessions will use medium such as a cream or lotion and benefit from as much available direct skin contact as is comfortable for the client.
For all sessions: no denim or clothing with zippers.
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